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Oral Biology

Oral Biology


Oral Biology deals with the nature  of oral-craniofacial tissues and with the application of basic scientific knowledge of normal, as well as, pathologic oral tissues. In the field of Oral Biology, the distinctive combination of structures, tissues type and functions of the oral-craniofacial complex is combined with the basic scientific disciplines in unique point of view to gain the objections of improving the novel and adequate methods to manage, cure or prevent disease. The Oral Biology Department has reponsibilities in research and education on the graduate and postgraduate levels. Theories, case studies and interactive activities are preferred as learning methods, in which include areas in oral immunology, oral facial growth and development including oral tissue structure and function, as well as interactions with other organ bodies in normal and/or pathological conditions, wound healing and tissue repair, biology of caries, aetiology of periodontal disease, oral molecular and cellullar biology. This course encourage active participation of the students in reviewing scientific articles as the basic for paradigm shifts in clinical diagnosis and treatments. Student’s scientific reviews and problem solving sessions are carried out by and challenges student’s capability to involve in leading oral health research. Moreover, continuing innovative methods to gain as much as information will encourage student to be sutainable learners throughout their life.


The Department of Oral Biology aims to achieve academic excellence n oral biology field.


  • To foster high  quality research and education in oral-facial  health science based on international standards.
  • To engage students in creation, dissemination and application of knowledge.
  • To encourage department staff achievements in a supportive and congenial enviroment.

The involvement in the current development of basic and multudisiplinary health sciences. Will lead this department in the contribution of national health, especially in the improvement of dental care and oral health.

Research Interests

  1. Oral tissue regeneration, oral immunology, oral enzymology
  2. Oral fluids, oral soft tissue and herbal medicine
  3. Cellular and molecular responses of host cells to the exposure of oral bacteria (Streptococcus sanguinis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
  4. Microbiology and immunology related to carries
  5. Periodontal tissues, and the raltion between periodontal disease systemic disease


  1. Prof. Dr. drg. Regina Titi Christinawati Tandelilin, M.Sc., PBO
  2. Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handajani, M.Kes., Ph.D., PBO
  3. Prof. drg. Tetiana Haniastuti, M.Kes., Ph.D.
  4. drg. Heni Susilowati, M.Kes., Ph.D.
  5. Dr. drg. Alma Linggar Jonarta, M.Kes.
  6. drg. Heriati Sitosari, MD.Sc.


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