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Department of Pediatric Dentistry Welcomes New Students 

The Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Study Program at FKG UGM held a welcoming event for new students of 2024 on 19 August 2024, at the Margono Soeradji Auditorium. The event was attended by new students, lecturers, and educational staff. 

The event began with remarks and guidance from the Head of the Pediatric Dentistry Specialist Study Program, drg. Sri Kuswandari, M.S., Sp.KGA(K), Ph.D., who expressed her hope that the new students would quickly adapt and contribute to the advancement of the program. “We hope the new students can adapt quickly and provide positive contributions to the progress of this study program. Togetherness and a spirit of learning are the keys to success here,” she stated.

Next, drg. Irfan M. Djaafar, Sp.KGA, Head of the Indonesian Pediatric Dentistry Association (IDGAI) for the DIY-JATENG region, also delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of collaboration in specialist education. “Specialist education is not just about knowledge; it is also about collaboration and the willingness to continue learning,” said drg. Irfan.

The event also included introductions between new and returning residents, as well as a quiz with prizes that added excitement and enthusiasm. The activities concluded with a prayer and a communal meal.

Through this event, FKG UGM supports the achievement of SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality), and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). It is hoped that this event will make all new students feel welcomed and motivated to engage in their studies with enthusiasm. 

Contributor: drg. Arif | Author: Diva Lutfhiana


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