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Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Conducts July 2024 Clerkship Examination

The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BMM) at FKG UGM has conducted the clerkship examination for the July 2024 period. The examination was held over two days, on 30 and 31 July 2024, at the Dental Learning Center (DLC) of FKG UGM. This examination aims to assess both theoretical and procedural skills of the clerkship students in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, preparing them to independently manage patients as dentists.

What Happened?

Initially, 50 clerkship students registered to take the BMM clerkship examination for July 2024. After the administrative selection process, 44 students were deemed eligible to take the exam. These students had completed all the requirements for the BMM clerkship, regardless of gender.

Examination Details

For this period, the examination was conducted using a : the Computer Based Test (CBT) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The CBT was held on July 30, 2024, in the CBT Center on the 5th floor of the DLC building. The OSCE took place the following day (31/7) in the OSCE Center on the 6th floor of the DLC building. Several lecturers participated as examiners, including:

  1. drg. Poerwati Soetji Rahajoe, Sp.BMM.Subsp.T.M.T.M.J.(K), Ph.D.
  2. drg. Cahya Yustisia Hasan, Sp.BMM.Subsp.C.O.M.(K)
  3. drg. Agus Mulato, Sp.BMM.Subsp.T.M.T.M.J.(K)
  4. drg. Pingky Krisna Arindra, Sp.BMM.Subsp.Ped.O.M.(K)
  5. drg. Bramasto Purbo Sejati, Sp.BMM.Subsp.T.M.T.M.J.(K)
  6. drg. Didit Istadi, Sp.BMM.Subsp.Ped.O.M.(K)
  7. drg. Erdananda Haryoswuwandito, Sp.BMM
  8. drg. Muhammad Reza Pahlevi, Ph.D.

What’s Next?

Students who pass this examination and have completed all departmental activities in the Dentist Profession Education Program at FKG UGM will be eligible to take the Comprehensive Examination and proceed to the UKMP2DG examination in August 2024. “In addition to the exam scores, the eligibility of clerkship students is also determined by a combination of several aspects, including clinical activity scores, journal presentations, and other criteria outlined in each department's guidelines,” explained drg. Erdananda, the head of the BMM clerkship.

This examination is expected to ensure that clerkship students acquire the standard competencies required for their future Dentist Profession Education. It is also hoped that students will enhance their quality of life and that of their communities upon graduating from the professional program. Thus, the examination aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Goal 3 on Good Health and Well-being, Goal 4 on Quality Education, Goal 5 on Gender Equality, Goal 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 10 on Reduced Inequality.


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