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Dental Nurse Program

Dental Nurse Program


In 2008, Universitas Gadjah Mada became the first institution to establish the higher education for dental nurse who has two major competencies as a dental hygienist and dental assistance. The Faculty of Dentistry offers an accelerated dental nurse program that allows students to earn their Bachelor of Science degree in four years (S.KpG). The year round program allows maximum opportunities for those who are eager to start their dental nurse careers or further their education in graduate school. In recent years, dental nurse program organized discussions and seminar about dental nurse education in Indonesia; the role of dental nurse and dental hygienist in oral health promotion with expertise from PPGI, PDGI, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, and Niigata University Japan.


Recently, based on the data of RIKESDAS in the 2007, nearly half of the Indonesian population suffered from caries (46.5%). The program emphasizes oral health promotion and disease prevention, as well as the dental nurse’s role in the community. Moreover, the life expectancy of Indonesian people has reached 72 years old. The increasing of life expectancy resulted in the growing number of the elderly. In 2012, Indonesian elderly population was 28 million, constituting 14 % of the total population. By the year 2050, the number of elderly is estimated to be 71.6 million. On the other hand, the number of disabled people in Indonesia was 8.3 million. Nowadays, the oral health condition of those populations often overlooked. Regarding with this issue, it is important to consider that oral health is an integral part of overall health, well being, and quality of life. Therefore, in this program dental nurse students learn how to maintain the oral health condition of those populations as well as in children.


In 2020, the program is able to perform and develop education and research of international based dental nursing program and to produce graduates who are globally minded and characterized by professional, independent, able to master the science and technology leading, humanist vision of democracy, and support the best health services.


  1. Develop the dental nurse study program as the center of excellence of Bachelor of Science in dental nurse education.
  2. Produce graduates who are characterized by globally minded and professional, ethical, faithful, devout, self-sufficient, as well as entrepreneurial, humanist, and were able to master the dental nurse science and technology.
  3. Develop research in the field of dental nursing to support the educational, scientific and technological advancement, services to the community, and also enriching the nation’s culture.
  4. Develop the innovative community services in collaboration with dental education.
  5. Develop collaboration in the field of dental nursing with government agencies and the private sector, educational institutions and research in both nationally and internationally level.

Head of The Program
drg. Bambang Priyono,SU


  1. drg. Elastria Widita, M.Sc
  2. drg. Friska Ani Rahman
  3. leny Pratiwi Arie Sandy, S.Kp.G
  4. Christia Aye W.V., S.Kp.G
  5. Prayudha Benni S., S.Kp.G
  6. Budi Rodestawati, S.Kp.G
  7. Rieski Prihastuti, S.Kp.G
  8. Bekti Nur Aini, S.Kp.G


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