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Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada aktif dalam penelitian dan pengembangan kedokteran gigi serta kesehatan mulut. FKG berkomitmen pada topik penelitian inovatif dan perawatan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan gigi, menangani tantangan kesehatan global, mengeksplorasi hubungan kesehatan mulut dan sistemik, serta mengembangkan pengobatan regeneratif. FKG dan civitas akademikanya berkomitmen terus meningkatkan kualitas ilmu kedokteran gigi.

1Foláyan, M O.| Amalia, R.| Kemoli, A.| Ayouni,. ́́I.| Nguweneza, A.| Duangthip, D.| Sun, I.G.| Virtanen, J.I.| Masumo, R.M.| Vukovic, A.| Al-Batayneh, O.B.| Gaffar, B.| Mfolo, T.| Schroth, R.J.| El Tantawi, M.Scoping review on the link between economic growth, decent work, and early childhood cariesBMC Oral Health
2Nogueira-Reis, F.| Morgan, N.| Suryani, I.R.| Tabchoury, C.P.M.| Jacobs, R.Full virtual patient generated by artificial intelligence-driven integrated segmentation of craniomaxillofacial structures from CBCT imagesJournal of Dentistry
3Emmanuela, N.| Muhammad, D.R.| Iriawati| Wijaya, C.H.| Ratnadewi, Y.M.D.| Takemori, H.| Ana, I.D.| Yuniati, R.| Handayani, W.| Wungu, T.D.K.| Tabata, Y.| Barlian, A.Isolation of plant-derived exosomelike nanoparticles (PDENs) from Solanum nigrum L. berries and Their Effect on interleukin-6 expression as a potential anti-inflammatory agentPLoS ONE
4Ozdemir, N.S.| Belyaev, D.| Castro, M.N.| Balakin, S.| Opitz, J.|
Wihadmadyatami, H.| Anggraeni, R.| Yucel, D.| Kenar, H.| Beshchasna, N.| Ana, I.D.| Hasirci, V.
Advances in In Vitro Blood-Air Barrier Models and the Use of Nanoparticles in COVID-19 ResearchTissue Engineering – Part B: Reviews
5Alhasyimi, A.A.| Ayub, A.| Farmasyanti, C.A.Effectiveness of the Attachment Design and Thickness of Clear Aligners during Orthodontic Anterior Retraction: Finite Element AnalysisEuropean Journal of Dentistry
6Harsini| Irnawati, D.| Widyasrini, D.A.| Sunarintyas, S.| Siswomihardjo, W.Glycerine addition in Cashew stembark extract mouthwash influence the inhibition of bacterial growthResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
7Prihastuti, R.| Pramono, D.Portrait of Periodontal Disease Risk Factors among AdultsKemas
8Faadiya, A.N.| Widyaningrum, R.| Arindra, P.K.| Diba, S.F.The diagnostic performance of impacted third molars in the mandible: A review of deep learning on panoramic radiographsSaudi Dental Journal
9Aziz, S.| Pranowo, H.D.| Ana, I.D.| Yusuf, Y.Energy Efficiency of the Carbonate Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticle Synthesis Using Microwave Heating Treatment and Its Effect on Material CharacteristicsIndonesian Journal of Chemistry
10Maulana, R.| Pahlevi, M.R.| Rosanto, Y.B.| Sejati, B.P.| Hasan, C.Y.A rare case of upper lip schwannoma: A case report with analysis of the histological, immunohistochemical and pathogenesis aspectsInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
11Mahmudi, M.| Ardhani, R.| Pidhatika, B.| Suyanta, S.| Swasono, Y.A.| Rudianto, R.P.| Nuryono, N.Development of a local drug delivery system for promoting the regeneration of infective bone defects: composite films with controlled propertiesPolymer Bulletin
12Ruspita, I.| Yunizar, M.F.| Aditama, P.| Indrastuti, M.| Barunawati, S.B.| Saleh, S.| Listyarifah, D.The Potential Application of Dental Pulp Stem Cells for Increasing Alveolar Bone Regeneration in Pre- Prosthodontic TreatmentJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
13Kuswandari, S.| Pujiyati, A.Nose Shape of Indonesians: A Photogrammetric Analysis of Javanese and Minangkabau ChildrenJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
14Sari, A.W.| Widyaningrum, R.| Setiawan, A.| MitrayanaPhotoacoustic imaging of gingival inflammation using low-cost nearinfrared diode laserApplied Acoustics
15Alhasyimi, A.A.| Indra, P.| Setijanto, R.D.| Tajudin, A.M.| Noviasari, P.| Rosanto, Y.B.Open surgical exposure of two horizontally impacted maxillary incisors combined with orthodontic treatment: A case reportInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
16Pratama, A.K.Y.| Setiawan, A.| Widyaningrum, R.| MitrayanaResonance frequency measurement to identify stiffness variations based on photoacoustic imagingBiophysics and physicobiology
17Tasmara, F.A.| Wahyuni, E.| Silalahi, H.M.| Widyaningrum, R.| Setiawan, A.| MitrayanaPhotoacoustic Imaging using Diode Laser for Soft Tissue VisualizationJournal of Physics: Conference Series
18Mariyam, M.| Sunarintyas, S.| Yuliatun, L.| Irnawati, D.| Hatmanto, A.D.| Nuryono, N.Physicochemical and antibacterial properties of ZnO/chitosan-modified mineral trioxide aggregate compositesCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
19Pamungkas, G.B.| Karunia, D.| Suparwitri, S.Desensitizing agents’ post-bleaching effect on orthodontic bracket bond strengthDental Journal
20Susanto, H.| Ratu Mas Saraswati, A.| Patera Nugraha, A.| Wicaksono, S.| Nur’aeny, N.| Savitri Ernawati, D.Topical Adipose Mesenchymal Stem cell metabolites regulate the expression of MMP-1, MMP-9, EGF, TGF-β in oral mucosa ulcer rat modelSaudi Dental Journal
21Sandy, L.P.A.| Helmyati, S.| Amalia, R.Nutritional factors associated with early childhood caries: A systematic review and meta-analysisSaudi Dental Journal
22Hadi, A.F.N.| Aghniya, S.N.| Haidar, G.A.| Sihombing, W.S.M.| Sutedjo,
A.| Alhasyimi, A.A.
Post-Orthodontic Relapse Prevention through Administration of a Novel Synthetic Carbonated Hydroxyapatite–Chitosan Hydrogel Derived from Blood Cockle Shell (Anadara granosa L.)Dentistry Journal
23Rahajoe, P.S.| Rismanto, P.H.| Lutfianto, M.B.Reankylosis of temporomandibular joint 5 years after interpositional arthroplasty using gold foil: management and follow up (a case report)International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
24Mahanani, E.S.| Ana, I.D.| Bachtiar, I.| Xiao, Y.Resembling mesenchymal stem cell microenvironment with growth factors loaded synthetic coral matrix for bone tissue engineeringResults in Engineering
25Vidiasratri, A.R.| Hanindriyo, L.| Hartanto, C.M.Charting the Future of Oral Health: A Bibliometric Exploration of Quality-of-Life Research in DentistryInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
26Suryono, S.| Setiawan, P.B.| Aji, N.R.A.S.| Vega, C.A.W.| Rodestawati, B.| Lukitaningsih, E.| Rahman, F.A.| Devina, S.| Tsabita, S.S.| Datau, S.I.| Alhasyimi, A.A.Potential of 10% propolis-based toothpaste on the inhibition of biofilm-forming bacteria growth in vitroPharmacia
27Suryani, I.R.| Shujaat, S.| Ivković, U.| Coucke, W.| Coropciuc, R.| Jacobs, R.Risk of healing impairment following tooth extraction in patients administered with antiresorptive and non-antiresorptive polypharmacyJournal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
28Sejati, B.P.| Bandriananto, D.A.N.| Hasan, C.Y.| Istadi, D.A decade of neglecting sublingual mass: A case report of epidermoid cystInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
29Dewanto, I.| Amalia, R.| Widyarman, A.S.| Ferdiansyah, F.W.The Response of the Indonesian Dental Community to the COVID-19 PandemicInternational Dental Journal
30Mahanani, E.S.| Ana, I.D.| Bachtiar, I.| Xiao, Y.Enhanced Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Synthetic Coral Matrix in the Presence or Absence of Growth Factors from the Platelet Rich-rich PlasmaTrends in Sciences
31Hudiyati, M.| Sunarintyas, S.| Ardhani, R.| Isnansetyo, A.Therapeutic potential of fucoidan in dentistry: A reviewJournal of HerbMed Pharmacology
32NABILA ALMIRA R | Dr. drg. Rini Widyaningrum, M.Biotech[NIDN: 0020088207] | drg. Rellyca Sola Gracea, Sp.R.K.G.[NIDN: 0028019202] | AINI HASIBAH NINGTYAS | Prof. Dr. drg. Munakhir Mudjosemedi, S.U.,Length of cranial base and total face height in cephalograms for sex estimation in IndonesiaDental Journal _ Majalah Kedokteran Gigi
33Sp.RKG(K).[NIDN:Rieski Prihastuti, S.Kp.G.,8906040022] M.P.H.[NIDN: 0028039107] | Dr. drg. Dibyo Pramono, S.U., MDSC.[NIDN: 8858001019]Portrait of Periodontal Disease Risk Factors among AdultsJurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat
34GUFA BAGUS PAMUNGKAS(1); drg. Dyah Karunia, Sp.Ort.[NIDN: 0027046706](2); Dr. drg. Sri Suparwitri, S.U., Sp.Ort.(K).[NIDN: 8944020021](3)Desensitizing agents’ postbleaching effect on orthodontic bracket bond strengthDental Journal
35drg. Ignatius Sulistyo Jatmiko, M.Kes., Sp.KGA.[NIDN: 0014076501](1); drg. Sri Kuswandari, MS., Sp.KGA., Ph.D.[NIDN: 0027046206](2); LATIFA GEBY SALSA T(3); SYAHRA HANIFAH N(4)Penggunaan Metode Game interaktif untuk Edukasi Menggosok Gigi terhadap Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut serta Kesehatan Gingiva pada Anak TunanetraJurnal e-GIGI
36drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc., Sp.BMM., Subsp.IDM(K)[NIDN: 0012118702](1); dr. Dyah Listyarifah, M.Sc., D.Med.Sci.[NIDN: 0018078205](2)Rehabilitation of Toothless Conditions with Dental Implants to Improve the Nutritional Status and General Health of the Terban Village CommunityJurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement)
37YUSTIKA CHRYSANDRA(1); Dr. drg. Tunjung Nugraheni, M.Kes., Sp.KG.(K)[NIDN: 0031056803](2); drg. Wignyo Hadriyanto, M.S., Sp.KG(K).[NIDN: 8908340022](3)Effect of Taper and Pitch on Nickle-Titanium File with Variable Cross Section to Its Cyclic Fatigue (In Silico Study)Journal of Dentistry Indonesia
38JESSY WIJAYA(1); drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio[NIDN: 0021028504](2); drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D.[NIDN: 0016086902](3)THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF PROPOLIS ON OSTEOBLAST DIFFERENTIATION: A LITERATURE REVIEWInterdental Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi
