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How to Address Crowded Teeth in Children and Teenagers

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, 3:10 pm Crowded teeth, or dental crowding, in children and teenagers, is a condition commonly caused by insufficient space in the jaw to accommodate all the teeth. Crowded teeth often affect appearance and make it difficult to clean the teeth effectively, increasing the risk of oral health issues such as cavities and gum disease. Therefore, recognizing the signs of crowded teeth early is essential so that proper treatment can be initiated promptly.


One of the primary methods to treat crowded teeth is through orthodontic appliances like braces. This treatment is often recommended by orthodontic specialists during adolescence when all permanent teeth have fully erupted. Braces help gradually straighten the teeth, creating enough space for each tooth to sit in its ideal position. Drg. Aulia Ayub, Sp.Ort., explains, “Orthodontic treatment is not just about aesthetics; it also involves long-term health and comfort in daily activities. With various treatment options available, each patient can choose the method that best suits their needs and lifestyle. Consult an orthodontist to determine the best steps for caring for and maintaining your dental health.”

Palatal Expander

Not all cases of crowded teeth require braces. In younger children, dentists may recommend a palatal expander. This device works by widening the upper jaw, creating more space for the emerging permanent teeth. Using a palatal expander is generally more effective at an early age when a child’s jawbone is still actively growing. In some cases, extracting baby teeth can also help make room for new permanent teeth, reducing the risk of crowding in the future.

Understanding Dental Health

In addition to physical treatments, parental education and understanding of their child’s dental health are crucial. Maintaining oral hygiene in children with crowded teeth requires extra care since overlapping teeth are harder to clean. Parents can help children develop a routine of brushing and flossing to ensure dental hygiene is maintained. Regular dental check-ups are also essential to monitor the child’s dental development and ensure optimal conditions.

While dental crowding in children and adolescents can present challenges, with proper treatment and parental support, this condition can be effectively managed. Support from family and the surrounding environment plays a significant role in encouraging the treatment process, helping children and adolescents feel comfortable and confident about maintaining dental health. This way, they not only achieve a beautiful smile but also maintain optimal dental health throughout their lives.

Preventing and treating crowded teeth in children and adolescents supports long-term health by reducing the risk of oral diseases and enhancing their quality of life (SDG Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being). Additionally, educating children, adolescents, and parents about the importance of dental health and proper care supports achieving quality education in health and well-being aspects (SDG Goal 4: Quality Education).

Author : Rizky B. Hendrawan | Photo : Freepik


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