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FKG UGM Collaborates with International Partners to Provide Community Service for Students with Special Needs

The presence of a university should bring benefits to the surrounding community. Through Community Service activities, the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) is committed to engaging with the community to provide education and dental health services. 

On 24 January 2024, FKG UGM, in collaboration with international partners, conducted a community service event at Sekolah Luar Biasa Bina Kasih, Srumbung, Magelang. This initiative aimed to provide dental education and care for the students there.

The event was a joint effort involving several specialty programs at FKG UGM, including Periodontology, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, and Dental Conservation. Additionally, Prof. Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman from University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, also participated.

drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc., Sp.BMM (K), Head of the Community Service Unit at FKG UGM, explained that the event included dental education and various types of care such as tooth extractions, fillings, and tartar removal, all carried out in a mobile dental unit.

Residents from several dental specialty programs also participated in the community service. “Involving residents in community service provides a valuable learning experience and helps them sharpen their clinical skills,” said drg. Yosaphat.

The visit to SLB Bina Kasih offered valuable experiences for the lecturers. drg. Hendrawati, M.Kes., expressed her joy at the opportunity to interact directly with the students at SLB Bina Kasih and hopes that this event strengthens the relationship between FKG UGM and other institutions.

This activity also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the 3rd goal of good health and well-being, the 4th goal of quality education, the 16th goal of peace, justice and strong institutions, and the 17th goal of partnerships to achieve the goals.

Contributor: drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio., SubSp. R.P.I.D (K) | Author: Pram | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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