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FKG UGM Alumna Represents IPROSI at Hiranuma Award Ceremony

Adella Syvia Maharani, DDS., M.DSC., M.ClinDent.Prost, has been selected to represent the Indonesian Prosthodontics Association (IPROSI) at the Hiranuma Award ceremony during the 133rd Annual Congress of Japan Prosthodontic Society and 14th Asian Academy of Prosthodontics Billenial Congress. The congress took place from 5-7 July 2024, in Chiba, Japan.

Prior to the event, a selection process was conducted by the IPROSI jury team to determine who would represent Indonesia at the Hiranuma Award. Dr. Maharani, an alumna of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), was chosen from among the nominees, joining representatives from 13 other countries in the competition.

Hiranuma Award honors outstanding contributions to the field of dental implants. Dr. Maharani's presentation was titled “Effect of Etching Time on Titanium Dental Implants with Aluminum Oxide (AI2O3) Coating on Hemolysis Percentage and Platelet Activation.”

In her presentation, Dr. Maharani discussed the results of her study on the impact of etching duration on titanium dental implants coated with aluminum oxide, specifically regarding hemolysis percentage and platelet activation. The findings revealed that varying etching times significantly affected the implant's interaction with blood, with longer etching durations tending to reduce hemolysis and decrease platelet activation. 

This achievement highlights the excellence of FKG UGM on the international stage and is hoped to be maintained while benefiting the community in Indonesia. The success aligns with the values of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Pillar 4 (Quality Education), and Pillar 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

Author: Pram | Editor: Fajar Budi H.


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