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Community Development Program: FKG UGM Conducts Dental Health Checks and Education in Kemirikebo Hamlet

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) has again undertaken a community service initiative. This time, the Community Development Program organized by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Dentistry (BEM KM FKG) UGM focused on the residents of Kemirikebo Hamlet, Girikerto Village, Turi Subdistrict, Sleman Regency.

The community service activity in Kemirikebo Hamlet was held on Sunday (2 June) and involved undergraduate students from the daily management of BEM KM FKG UGM, Dentistry professional students, the Dental Conservation Association, and representatives from the Indonesian Dental Student Senate Association (PSMKGI), Azizah Nurrachmi.

“Community Development is a work program of the daily management of BEM KM FKG UGM aimed at providing education and free dental checks for the residents of a village. We hope that with the implementation of the Community Development program in Kemirikebo Hamlet, the residents will gain knowledge about dental and oral health,” said the Chairman of BEM KM FKG UGM, Fanani Luqman Athallah, in his opening remarks.

“Dentists play a crucial role in dental and oral health. This Community Development program, in collaboration with the Dental Conservation Association, involves screening or dental and oral examinations for the residents of Kemirikebo Village,” explained Dr. drg. R. Tri Endra Untara, M.Kes., Sp.KG.(K), representing the Dental Conservation Association. “If any residents require special dental treatment, it will be provided by dental specialists in conservation and oral surgery,” added drg. Tri Endra, who is also a lecturer in the Department of Dental Conservation at FKG UGM.

Free dental examinations and education on dental and oral health were provided to 82 residents of Kemirikebo Hamlet, including 58 students from Asy-Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School and 17 students from Mukim Yatim Dhuafa Darussalam Islamic Boarding School.

“Thank you to the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, for choosing our Islamic boarding school as the venue for the Community Development program. We hope this activity benefits the entire Asy-Syafi'iyah family and the larger community in Kemirikebo Hamlet,” said Imam Syafi'i, Head of Asy-Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School.

Furthermore, the Head of Kemirikebo Hamlet, Sidik, extended a warm welcome to this initiative on behalf of the residents. “Thank you for this opportunity. Nowadays, foods like snacks and chocolate can potentially weaken and damage children's teeth. Generally, people who do not feel pain rarely visit the dentist. We hope that with the Community Development program, the residents of Kemirikebo Village will become aware of their dental condition through the free dental checks provided.”

The Community Development program aims to address village residents' dental and oral health issues by providing dental health education and free dental checks, mainly targeting the productive age group and children. This initiative is designed to guide the community towards a healthier life, improve social and economic conditions, and enhance access to information and knowledge.

This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the first pillar (No Poverty), the second pillar (Zero Hunger), the third pillar (Good Health and Well-Being), and the tenth pillar (Reduced Inequalities).

Author: Nadia Fauzia


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