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Encouraging Research Innovation, Faculty of Dentistry UGM Initiates Collaboration with Japanese Researchers

The Faculty of Dentistry at UGM welcomed special guests: two PhD students from INSERM, The University of Strasbourg, France (Yi Jie and Ines Ben Hadj Kaddour), and a renowned professor from Kyoto University, Japan (Prof. Yasuhiko Tabata). From April to May, they were accompanied by Prof. drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D., as part of a series of LRT and LPPT Tour activities. Their visit was part of an international collaboration in the field of research and scientific development (8 May 2024).

The activities of the PhD students from INSERM, The University of Strasbourg, France (Yi Jie and Ines Ben Hadj Kaddour), took place from April to May 2024. During their stay at Faculty of Dentistry UGM, Yi Jie and Ines Ben Hadj Kaddour conducted membrane manufacturing research at the LRT Faculty of Dentistry UGM and participated in LRT and LPPT Tours along with Prof. drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D.

In addition to the arrival of students from The University of Strasbourg, the Faculty also welcomed Prof. Yasuhiko Tabata, D.Eng., D.Med., D.Pharm., from Kyoto University, Japan. Like Yi Jie and Ines Ben Hadj Kaddour, Prof. Yasuhiko came to the Faculty to join the LRT and LPPT Tours as part of the collaboration with Kyoto University. Prof. Yasuhiko Tabata's activities took place from 7 to 9 May 2024, also accompanied by Prof. drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D.

Through this collaboration, it is expected that various innovations and new findings will be created that can provide broad benefits to the global community. The Faculty continues to be committed to becoming a center of excellence in research and education, as well as establishing international cooperation for the advancement of science and technology.

#SDGs #SDGs4 #SDGs17 #Partnerships for the Goals


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