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Pediatrics Dentistry Specialist Study Program




To be excellent, innovative, and having global perspective study program to serve the sake of the nation and humanity imbued by the cultural values and the professionalism based on Pancasila principles.


To carry out education, research, and community service in the field of oral and dental health of pediatrics professionally and with specialization while preserving the excellent, innovative, beneficial and having global perspective pediatrics sciences


To create Specialist Program of Pediatrics, Faculty of Dentistry as an excellent specialist study program in Indonesia and have a global perspective through:

  1. Qualified education in order to produce excellent, competent, creative, specialist and professional graduates supported by the local wisdom
  2. Research that become the reference, environmentally oriented and responsive towards pediatrics dental and oral health problems
  3. Dedication and service towards society which can reinforce the society autonomy in the field of pediatrics dental and oral health integrally and sustainably.
  4. Management of KGA FKG UGM that is equitable, transparent, participatory, accountable and integrated to support the effectiveness and efficiency of the resources utilization by prioritizing academician and educational staff
  5. Strategic, synergic, and sustainable cooperation with partners


Target 1

  1. The increasing amount of the qualified and balanced students
  2. The establishment of the competence-based learning system with integrated system
  3. The achievement of the reputable education of pediatrics study program which shows its excellence in the regional and national level


Target 2

  1. The availability of the qualified and adequate resources in the research development which prioritize expediency
  2. The achievement of the quality and the quantity of the research which is relevant to the faculty policy
  3. The increasing number of publication and incubation of the research.


Target 3

  1. The increasing of roles and scopes of PPDGS Pediatric Dentistry and also the community service on the dental and oral health field.
  2. The increasing amount of the utilization of community service result in the field of dental and oral health.


Target 4:

  1. The achievement of the effectiveness of the institution, management and regulation
  2. The implementation of the optimal, effective and efficient human resources management
  3. Financial system and management.
  4. The achievement of the adequate and environmentally friendly physical resources


Target 5

  1. The implementation of good cooperation management
  2. The establishment of the optimal corporation in implementing the University Tri Dharma (three duties)
  3. The improvement of the service and assistance towards the alumni
  4. The improvement of alumni role and contribution for the achievement of the University tri dharma.



Person in Charge

Dean of Dentistry Faculty      : drg. Erwan Sugiatno, MKes, Sp.Pros(K), PhD

Head of Study Program          : Prof. Dr. drg. Iwa Sutardjo RS, SU, Sp.KGA(K)



Permanent lecturers of Faculty of Dentistry UGM

  1. Iwa Sutardjo RS, SU, Sp.KGA(K)
  2. Al. Supartinah, SU, Sp.KGA(K)
  3. Siti Bale Sri Rantinah, SU, Sp.KGA(K)
  4. Emut Lukito, SU, Sp.KGA(K)
  5. Rinaldio Budi Utomo, MS, Sp.KGA(K)
  6. Sri Kuswandari , MS, Sp.KGA(K), PhD
  7. Indah Titien S, SU, Sp.KGA(K)
  8. Putri Kusuma Wardani M, M.Kes, Sp.KGA(K)
  9. Indra Bramanti, Sp.KGA, MSc

Non-permanent Lectures of Faculty of Dentistry UGM

  1. Mei Neni Sitoresmi, SpA(K), PhD
  2. Eggy Arguni, SpA, PhD
  3. Sri Utami, Sp.KGA



The study loads of Pediatrics Dentistry Specialist are 56 credits as following:

I 1 Clinical Epidemiology 1
  2 Evidence-Based dentistry 1
  3 Research methodology and proposal writing 1
  4 Biostatistics 1
  5 Professional ethics and philosophy of Science 1
  6 Hospital and Health Administration 1
  7 Immuno-biology 1
  8 Child abuse 1
    TOTAL 8
II 9 Clinical Child Psychology 1
  10 Child Health Science and Clinical Nutrition 1
  11 Child Growth and Social Pediatric 1
  12 Physiologist and Genetics in Dentistry 1
  13 Child Oral diagnostics and Logopedics 1
  14 Special-need Child Oral and Dental 2
  15 Soft and Hard Tissue Pathology, Child oral cavity and its prevention 1
  16 Preventive Orthodontics 1
  17 Child radiology, cephalometric and photometric 1
  18 Pediatric Interceptive orthodontics 2
  19 Pediatric conservation and traumatic injury 2
  20 Child Anesthesia Pharmacology 1
  21 Simple Minor Oral Surgery for Children 2
    TOTAL 17
III 22 Pediatric preclinical 1
  23 Detailed Examination Clinic and Logopedic 1
  24 Special-need Child Oral and Dental Clinic I 1
  25 Child Oral Cavity Disease Prevention Clinic 1
  26 Pediatric Preventive Orthodontics Clinic I 1
  27 Pediatric Interceptive orthodontics Clinic I 2
  28 Pediatric Conservation and traumatic injury clinic I / Opdent/ Esthetics

–          Crown Jacket Restoration

–          Sandwich Restoration

–         Stainless Steel Crown Restoration

–         Rampant Caries

  29 Child Simple Minor Oral Surgery clinic I 1
  30 Specialist Research Proposal (KTI-I) 1
    TOTAL 11
IV 31 Special-need Child Oral and Dental Clinic II 1
  32 Oral Cavity Treatment for Hospitalized Pediatrics Patient 1
  33 Child Outpatient Oral Cavity Treatment Clinic 1
  34 Pediatric Preventive Orthodontics Clinic II 1
  35 Pediatric Interceptive Orthodontic Clinic II 2
  36 Pediatric Conservation and Traumatic Injury Clinic II/ One Visite

–          Apexification

–          Pulpectomy on deciduous teeth

–          Pulpectomy on permanent teeth

–          Pulpotomy on deciduous teeth

–         Pulpotomy on permanent teeth

  37 Child Simple Minor Oral Surgery Clinic II 1
  38 Research Result Seminar Sp (KTI-II) 2
    TOTAL 10
V 39 Special-Need Child Dental and Oral Clinic III 1
  40 Pediatric Preventive Orthodontics Clinic III 1
  41 Pediatric Interceptive Orthodontics Clinic III 2
  42 Pediatric conservation and traumatic injury Clinic III/ Traumatic injury

–         Fixation

–         Avultion



    TOTAL 5
VI 43 Special-need Child Oral and Dental Clinic IV 1
  44 Pediatric Preventive Orthodontics Clinic IV 1
  45 Pediatric Interceptive Orthodontics Clinic III 1
  46 Pediatric conservation and traumatic injury clinic III


–         Removable prosthesis

–         Fixed prosthesis

–          Bleaching

–          Veneer crown

  47  Specialist research Thesis examination KTI-III 1
    TOTAL 5
    TOTAL 56



  1. Pediatric Preventive orthodontics and interceptive orthodontics
  2. Special Need field


  1. Faculty of Dentistry UGM
  2. Faculty of Medicine UGM
  3. Oral and Dental Hospital (RSGM) Prof Soedomo Faculty of Dentistry UGM
  4. Sardjito Hospital
  5. Special Need Polyclinic SLB N 1 Bantul



To become the student of Specialist Dentistry Education Program, the requirements are:

General Requirements

  1. A dentist graduating from State or private University which fulfill the provision requirement from the Ministry of Education
  2. A dentist graduating from Overseas University who has finished the adaptation period
  3. Is physically and mentally healthy
  4. Has good Behavior.
  5. Master English at least Passive English Speaker
  6. TOEFL Score of 500 (During the education period)
  7. Academic Potential Test of 550.

Specific Requirements

  1. Complete the registration form and submit 3 copies of the required documents
  2. The candidate fills out the form
  • Curriculum vitae and job experience
  • A copy of legalized dentist diploma
  • Academic transcript of undergraduate degree, overseas graduates should enclose the certificate of rating result the committee of overseas diploma Ministry of Education and also the adaptation certificate
  • Health certificate from local health center
  • Certificate of good conduct from the local police
  • Permit letter and recommendation from the authorized leader, or from the regent/mayor of the participant. For those who haven’t work should get the recommendation letter from the head of the Province Health Department
  1. Pass the academic selection and interview


PROFIL SP KGA 2015_006


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