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The Importance of Emergency Showers in the Laboratory

Laboratories are often associated with the use of hazardous chemicals, which can pose risks to workers if not handled properly. To anticipate accidents caused by chemical spills on the body, the presence of an emergency shower is crucial.

What is an Emergency Shower?
An emergency shower is a safety device consisting of a high-pressure water shower designed specifically for use in emergencies. This device is usually placed in laboratory areas with a high potential for dangerous chemical spills.

Benefits and Uses of an Emergency Shower

  • Prevents Chemical Burns: An emergency shower can immediately rinse off harmful chemicals that come into contact with the skin, reducing the risk of serious chemical burns.
  • Prevents Skin Irritation: Contact with certain chemicals can cause severe skin irritation. By using an emergency shower, such irritation can be prevented or minimized. 
  • Prevents Eye Damage: If chemicals come into contact with the eyes, the emergency shower can be used to thoroughly rinse the eyes and prevent permanent damage.
  • Provides a Sense of Security: The presence of an emergency shower provides a sense of safety for laboratory workers, allowing them to work more calmly and with greater focus.

The use of an emergency shower is also fairly simple: (1) Pull the Lever: If chemicals spill onto the body, immediately pull the emergency shower lever; (2) Remove Contaminated Clothing: Remove all clothing that has been exposed to the chemicals; (3) Rinse the Entire Body: Stand under the shower and rinse your entire body for at least 15 minutes; (4) Report the Incident: After rinsing, promptly report the incident to the safety officer or laboratory supervisor.

It is important to remember that emergency showers must always be in ready-to-use condition. Regular inspections and emergency shower drills are essential to ensure optimal functionality and improve workers' preparedness.

With the presence of an emergency shower at the Integrated Research Laboratory of FKG UGM, it is hoped that workplace safety will be further guaranteed, and the risk of accidents due to exposure to hazardous chemicals can be minimized. Puteri Khalida, one of the laboratory technicians at FKG UGM, stated, "Laboratory accidents can happen at any time. With the emergency shower, we can reduce the harmful effects caused by dangerous chemicals."

The presence of an emergency shower at the Integrated Research Laboratory of FKG UGM not only enhances workplace safety but also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and Goal 17 (Partnerships to Achieve the Goals).

Authors: Ari Jimi Febriyanto, Al Haqi Insan Pratama


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