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Department of Periodontology at FKG UGM Releases Documentary Film “Periodontitis: The Thief of Dental Strength”

The Department of Periodontology at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), has launched an educational documentary titled “Periodontitis: The Thief of Dental Strength.” This film provides an in-depth exploration of periodontitis, a chronic inflammation of the periodontal tissues that can silently undermine the strength of teeth. The film is now available on the FKG UGM Knowledge Channel.

Periodontitis is a serious condition often overlooked. “Periodontitis is a silent disease that secretly damages the supporting tissues of the teeth, leading to tooth loss and a decreased quality of life if not promptly addressed. In this sense, periodontitis is like a thief, stealing the strength of your teeth,” explains drg. Kwartarini Murdiastuti, SpPerio, Subsp. R.P.I.D(K), who is featured in the documentary.

The film also features the perspective of Mrs. Siti Masrikatun, who shares her experience as a periodontitis sufferer. “I never imagined that gum issues could lead to tooth loss. This education is crucial,” she notes.

Produced by drg. Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji, MDSc., SpPerio, SubSp. M.P(K), and narrated by drg. Osa Amila Hafiyyah, MDSc., Sp.Perio, Subsp. R.P.I.D(K), the documentary explains the phenomenon of periodontitis in layman’s terms. The development of this documentary also involved the entire teaching staff of the Department of Periodontology at FKG UGM as part of the content team. 

The Faculty of Dentistry at UGM hopes this documentary will raise public awareness about the importance of maintaining oral health. Regular dental check-ups are highly recommended to detect and prevent serious complications early.

The documentary is available for free at

Kontributor: drg. Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji, MDSc., SpPerio, SubSp. M.P (K) | Editing: drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio, SubSp. R.P.I.D (K)


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