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FKG UGM Knowledge Channel Releases Documentary Video: "Stony Mouth: Unveiling the Phenomenon of Dental Calculus and Sialolith"

While stones in the human body such as gallstones, kidney stones, ureter stones, bladder stones, and urinary tract stones are widely recognized, did you know that similar phenomena can also occur in the oral cavity? Although less commonly discussed, dental calculus (tartar) and sialoliths (salivary stones) can cause serious problems if not properly managed. This topic is explored in the newly released documentary video from FKG UGM's Knowledge Channel, titled “Stony Mouth: Unveiling the Phenomenon of Dental Calculus and Sialolith.”

The documentary focuses on the investigation of oral "stones" and invites viewers to explore the unique phenomenon of stones within the oral cavity. It aims to enhance public understanding of dental calculus and sialoliths through the perspectives of experts from various fields.

The video features reviews and explanations from three experts: drg. Vincensia Maria Karina, MDSc., Sp.Perio, SubSp. M.P (K), a specialist in Periodontology; drg. Ayu Fresno Argadianti, Sp.PM, a specialist in Oral Medicine; and drg. Silviana Farrah Diba, SpRKG(K), a specialist in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. Additionally, the preparation of this documentary involved the entire faculty of the Department of Periodontology at FKG UGM as the content team. 

“We hope this documentary educates the public about the importance of maintaining oral hygiene and health. With the information provided by experts, we aim to increase awareness of oral stones and encourage the community to be more proactive in caring for their oral health,” said drg. Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji, MDSc., SpPerio, SubSp. M.P (K), the producer of the video. 

The documentary is available for free at

Contributor: drg. Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji, MDSc., SpPerio, SubSp. M.P (K) | Editing: drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio(K)


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