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UGM FKG and FK-KMK Students Save Childbirth at Sea: A Remarkable Story

In an emergency situation in the waters of Sarmi, Papua, students from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in the Sarmi District Community Service Team faced a challenging moment by assisting in the delivery of a mother in labor.

Ni’matun Mutmainah, a student from the Dental Hygiene Program at the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), and Muhammad Ivan Pratistan, a student from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK), displayed extraordinary responsiveness and dedication in handling the situation.

On Saturday, 10 August, a mother in a remote area of Sarmi went into labor and needed to deliver suddenly. Without adequate healthcare facilities, the UGM KKN team, under the guidance of Ardhya Nareswari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., an Architecture lecturer and Field Supervisor, had to race against time.

Ni’matun Mutmainah, the Coordinator of the Health Division for the Sarmi District KKN, quickly organized the preparation of limited medical equipment.

“As a student participating in KKN, it is my duty to ensure that both the mother and baby receive the best care possible, even under less-than-ideal conditions. Coordination with the medical team and preparation of equipment were crucial in this situation,” Ni’matun explained.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Ivan Pratistan, also part of the KKN team, faced a major challenge when he realized that no midwife was available at the time. Without hesitation, Ivan took on the significant responsibility as the only team member with a clinical medical background. He acted swiftly, leading the delivery process on a motorboat using his medical knowledge. “When no midwife was available, I knew I had to step up. This was a call I couldn’t ignore. I just wanted to ensure that both the mother and baby were safe,” Ivan stated.

The combined efforts of Ni’matun, who organized the equipment, and Ivan, who performed the medical procedures, were instrumental in saving the mother and baby under these challenging conditions.

According to Nareswari, the preparation and cooperation of Ni’matun, Ivan, and the entire KKN team were key to success in this emergency situation. They demonstrated exceptional dedication and deserve high appreciation. This story is a real reflection of how education, compassion, and bravery can unite to create meaningful change, even in the most remote corners of the country.

The active role of UGM students in supporting public health in remote areas serves as an inspirational example of how young generations can significantly contribute to national development. They have proven that with effective collaboration, seemingly impossible feats can be achieved.

Ni’matun, Ivan, and the Sarmi District KKN team’s contributions also align with the efforts to achieve theustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, and Goal 17 (Partnership for the Goals)emphasizing the importance of collaboration to achieve sustainable development goals.

Penulis: Pram, Fajar Budi H. | Editor: Dr. drg. H. Ahmad Syaify, Sp Perio (K), FISID


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