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100 Students from SMAN 2 Bondowoso Visit FKG UGM

One hundred students from SMAN 2 Bondowoso visited the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM). The group, consisting of 100 11th-grade science students and their accompanying teachers, was welcomed in Room E at the FKG UGM campus on 26 June 2024.

Ms. Yuniar, Vice Principal of SMAN 2 Bondowoso, stated that the visit was prompted by students' interest in pursuing higher education in the health field, particularly in one of the programs offered by FKG UGM. 

“I, along with other teachers, accompanied the students who want to learn about the admission process and studies at FKG UGM, as many of our students are interested in dentistry,” said Yuniar.

Drg. Andi Muhammad Fuad Ansar, the speaker at the event, provided a brief overview of the history of FKG UGM and explained the admission pathways to the campus. “Those of you who have academic and non-academic achievements can try the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) pathway,” Fuad stated.

He added that besides SNBP, there are other admission pathways, such as the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) and UGM Independent Examination (UM UGM).

Fuad's presentation was followed by several questions from the students. One of the students from SMAN 2 Bondowoso, Rendi, asked about the type of achievements that should be submitted to increase the chances of being accepted at FKG UGM.

“Feel free to submit any achievements you have. If you have academic achievements, such as winning a science olympiad, that would be even better,” said Fuad during the Q&A session.

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada is open to anyone wishing to continue their studies, whether at the undergraduate, master's, doctoral, or specialist level, provided they follow the selection process according to the regulations.

This event aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) particularly the fourth pillar (Quality Education), the tenth pillar (Reduced Inequalities), and the sixteenth pillar (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).


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