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Competencies of Graduates In The Professional Study Program

The competencies consist of Domains, Main Competencies and Supporting Competencies.

Domain 1 : Professionalism

To carry out practice in dentistry in accordance with expertise, responsibility, colleagiality, ethics, and relevant laws.

Main Competencies

Supporting Competencies

  1. Ethics and Jurisprudence (C3,P5,A4)
1.1 Apply dental ethics and related laws to the practice of dentistry professionally 1.1.1  Apply dental ethics professionally (C3,P3,A4)1.1.2  Keep professional secrecy with reference to colleagues, staff and patients (C3,P3,A3)1.1.3  Distinguish the right and duties of a doctor from those of a patient (C3,P3,A4)
1.2 Perform dental and oral health service in accordance with the code of ethics 1.2.1 Provide humane and comprehensive dental service (C3,P5,A3)1.2.2  Maintain open and honest relationship and mutual respect with patients, patients’ companions and colleagues (C3,P3,A3)1.2.3 Figure out one’s limitations needed for reference purposes              (C3,P3,A4)
1.3 Understand matters that are connected with the law on dental practice. 1.3.1 Distinguish between administrative responsibilities, ethical violations, breaches of discipline and laws applicable to the dental profession in accordance with existing legislation (C2,P1,A1)1.3.2 Understand the rules and regulations related to the dental practice in Indonesia (C2,P2,A2)1.3.3 Know how to make use of the proper channels in professional organizations (C1,P2,A2)
2         Critical, Scientific, and Effective Analysis of Health Information (C4,P3,A3)
2.1  Critically analyze the validity of information 2.1.1 Utilize the latest technology to seek information professionally from various sources (C3,P3,A3).2.1.2 Utilize the latest technology to evaluate valid information professionally from various sources (C3,P3,A3)
2.2 Manage health information scientifically, and comprehensively. 2.2.1 Produce scientific works in accordance with the concept, theory, and principles of academic writing (C3,P3,A3).2.2.2  Present scientific works orally and in writing (C3,P,A3)
2.3 Think critically in making decisions. 2.3.1 Draw up solutions to problems according to priorities (C3,P3,A3).2.3.2 Assess product quality and dental technology (C4,P3,A3)
2.4 Employ an evidence based dentistry approach in the management of dental and oral health. 2.4.1 Sort out valid references for the enhancement of the quality of dental and oral health service (C3,P3,A3).2.4.2 Utilize health information professionally for the enhancement of the quality of dental and oral health service (C3,P3,A3).
3 Communication (C3,P3,A3)
3.1 Provide communication, information, and education effectively and responsibly orally and in writing for patients and their families/companions, the community, colleagues and other health professionals. 3.1.1 Hold dialogues with patients on an equal footing (C3,P3,A3)3.1.2 Empathize with patients’ complaints about their dental and oral health (C3,P3,A3)3.1.3 Write a referral to colleagues or other health professionals when necessary according to the exiting standard operating procedure (C3,P3,A3)3.1.4 Hold dialogue with colleagues, health practitioners and other related practitioners (C3,P3,A3).
4 Sociocultural Relationship in Dental and Oral Health (C3,P3,A3)
4.1 Manage and respect patients with social, economic, cultural, religious and racial diversity through collaboration with patients and various related parties to bolster up high quality dental and oral health service. 4.1.1 Understand the existence of social, economic, cultural, religious, and racial diversity based on patients’ backgrounds (C2,P2,A2).4.1.2 Treat patients humanely with no discrimination (C3,P3,A3).4.1.3 Collaborate with various related parties to support improved dental and oral health (C2,P3,A3).

Domain II : Mastery of Medical and Dental Sciences

Understand basic and clinical medicine, basic and clinical dentistry as the foundation of professionalism and the development of the dentistry.

Basic Competencies

Supporting Competencies

5 Basic medicine (C3,P3,A4)
5.1 Integrate biomedicine as a scientific source and various supporting data for diagnosis and medical treatment. 5.1.1 Integrate biomedicine that is relevant to dentistry to establish diagnosis, set prognosis and plan a medical treatment (C3,P3,A4)5.1.2 Relate macroscopic and microscopic morphology as well as topography of organs, tissues of the human body as a basic knowledge for diagnosis, prognosis and planning a medical treatment (C3,P3,A4).5.1.3 Understand the process of prenatal and postnatal dentocraniofacial growth (C2,P3,A3).5.1.4 Understand the process of disease/disorder covering infection and non-infection (C2,P2,A3)5.1.5 Understand the principle of the sterilization, disinfection, and asepsis (C2,P3,A3).5.1.6 Understand the drugs used for dental and oral diseases, including side-effects and interactions (C2,P3,A4).

5.1.7 Understand the use and danger of X-ray (C2,P3,A4).

6 Clinical Medicine (C4,P3,A4)
6.1 Understand clinical medicine relevant as a point of consideration in performing dental and oral treatments on medically compromised patients. 61.1   Relate the management of clinical medicine to restore the optimal function of the stomatognathic system (C4,P3,A4).6.1.2 Understand systemic anomalies/diseases manifested in the oral cavity on medically compromised patients (C2,P3,A4).6.1.3 Understand treatment of patients with systemic anomalies/diseases manifested in the oral cavity on medically compromised patients in a holistic and comprehensive way (C2,P2,A2).6.1.4 Understand how to refer medically compromised patients professionally (C2,P3,A4).
7 Basic Dentistry (C4,P4,A4)
7.1 Understand the principles of basic dentistry covering Oral Biology, Biomaterial, and Dental Technology to support preclinical and clinical skills, as well as research in dentistry. 7.1.1 Understand basic dental sciences for the development of basic and clinical dentistry (C2,P4,A4).7.1.2 Analyze results of research in basic dentistry associated with dental medical cases and other related disciplines (C4,P3,A4).7.1.3 Understand the principles of basic dentistry to support preclinical and clinical skills, as well as research in dentistry, covering Oral Biology, Dental Biomaterial, Dental Radiology (C2,P3,A4).7.1.4 Plan dental materials to be used in reconstruction to restore an optimal stomatognathic function (C4,P3,A4).7.1.5 Interpret results of laboratory test and intra-oral and extra-oral radiography for diagnosis of anomalies and diseases in the stomatognathic system  (C2,P3,A4).
8 Clinical Dentistry (C4,P3,A4)
8.1 Understand the principles of clinical dentistry as the basis for performing an effective and efficient clinical service of dental and oral health. 8.1.1 Understand the principles of clinical service of dental and oral health covering promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative actions (C2,P3,A4).8.1.2 Relate various forms of management of clinical dentistry in support of dental and oral health service in restoring the optimal function of the stomatognathic system (C4,P3,A4).

Domain III : General Physical Examination and Stomatognathic System

Carry out examination, diagnoses and draw up treatment plans to achieve first-rate dental and oral health through promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative actions

Main Competencies

Supporting Competencies

9 Examination of Patients (C4,P3,A4)
9.1 Carry out general physical examination and stoma- tognathic system by nothing down clinical, laboratory, radiological, psychological and social information in order to evaluate patients’  medical conditions. 9.1.1 Identify major complaints or disturbance in the stomatognathic system (C1,P2,A2).9.1.2 Apply a comprehensive examination of the stomatognathic system by observing the general condition (C3,P3,A4).9.1.3 Determine the necessary supporting laboratory examination (C4,P3,A4).9.1.4 Interpret results of laboratory examination (C4,P3,A3).9.1.5 Determine the necessary supporting intra-oral and extra-oral radiological examination (C4,P4,A4).9.1.6 Produce a radiograph using intra-oral X-ray photography (C3,P3,A3).

9.1.7 Interpret results of intra-oral radiological examination (C4,P3,A3).

9.1.8 Analyze physical, psychological and social conditions through clinical examination (C4,P3,A3).

9.2 Get to know and manage patients’ behavior professionally. 9.2.1 Adopt an attitude of mutual respect and mutual trust through effective and efficient communication with patients and/or companions (C3,P2,A3).9.2.2 Analyze the behavior of patients who need special treatment (C4,P3,A4).9.2.3 Identify patients’ psychological and socio-economic conditions relevant to further management (C1,P4,A3).
9.3 Utilize medical records as basic reference in performing dental and oral treatment. 9.3.1 Make medical records accurately and comprehensively (C1,P3,A4).9.3.2 Manage medical records as legal documents (C3,P3,A4).9.3.3 Plan dental medical treatment on the basis of medical notes written in the medical records (C3,P3,A4).
10 Diagnosis (C4,P4,A4)
10.1 Establish diagnosis and make a prognosis of dental and oral anomalies through interpretation, analysis and synthesis of examination results. 10.1.1 Establish a provisional diagnosis and working diagnosis based on analysis of medical history, clinical/laboratory/radiographical findings and findings from other instruments (C4,P4,A4).10.1.2 Ensure the location, size, etiology of caries and periodontal anomaly and its disorder (C4,P3,A4).10.1.3 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy pulps (C,P4,A4).10.1.4 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy periodontal tissues (C4,P4,A4).10.1.5 Ensure deviation/abnormality in the growth process that leads to mal occlusion (C3,P4,A3).10.1.6  Explain the condition, anomaly, disease and function of the salivary gland (C2,P3,A4).

10.1.7  Explain the clinical picture/description of disease in the oral mucus resulting from inflammation, immunological, metabolic and neoplastic disorders (C2,P3,A4).

10.1.8  Explain the loss of teeth in need of rehabilitative action (C2,P3,A4).

10.1.9  Explain the condition of occlusal anomaly and functional disorder of mastication and condition that needs treatment (C4,P4,A4).

10.1.10 Identify oromaxillofacial  anomaly (C4,P4,A4).

10.1.11 Explain the relationship between a patient’s bad habits and oromaxillofacial anomaly (C2,P3,A2).

10.1.12 Distinguish dental, skeletal or facial anomalies related to growth disorder, function and esthetics (C4,P4,A4).

10.1.13 Ensure the manifestation of systemic disease in the oral cavity (C4,P3, A4).

10.1.14 Analyze and determine the degree of risk of disease in the oral cavity at all ages in order to make a prognosis (C2,P3,A2).

10.1.15 Ensure congenital and hereditary defects in the oral cavity (C3,P4,A3).

11 Treatment Plan (C4,P3,A3)
11.1 Develop, present, and discuss treatment plan based on the patient’s condition, interest, and ability. 11.1.1 Analyze the degree of risk of dental and oral diseases (C4,P3,A2).11.1.2 Plan the management of a patient’s discomfort and anxiety in connection with treatment implementation (C3,P3,A3).11.1.3 Plan preventive service based on risk analysis od disease (C3,P3,A3).11.1.4 Plan treatment by considering a patient’s systemic condition (C3,P3,A3).11.1.5 Develop rational and comprehensive treatment plan based on diagnosis (C3,P3,A3).11.1.6 Explain findings, diagnosis and chosen treatment, discomfort and treatment risk to obtain consent to treatment (C2,P3,A3).

11.1.7 Explain patient responsibility, time required, steps of treatment, and estimate of cost for treatment (C2,P2,A3).

11.1.8 Collaborate with other professions to plan accurate treatment (C4,P3,A3).

11.2 Decide on appropriate referral. 11.2.1 Write a referral letter to another specialist (C3,P3,A3).11.2.2 Able to make a referral to a more competent colleague (C3,P3,A3).

Domain IV : Restoring the function of the Stomatognathic System

Perform an act of restoring the function of  Stomatognathic system through clinical management.

Main Competencies

Supporting Competencies

12. Management of Pain and Anxiety (C4,P4,A4)
12.1 Control a patient’s pain and anxiety 12.1.1 Prescribe drugs correctly and rationally (C3,P3,A3).12.1.2 Overcome pain, fear and anxiety using pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches (C3,P3,A3).12.1.3 Use local anesthetic for control of pain for restorative and surgical procedures (C4,P4,A4).
13. Dental Medical Action (C4,P5,A4)
13.1 Perform simple conser-vative treatment of temporary and permanent teeth. 13.1.1 Prepare teeth to be restored according to anatomic, functional and esthetic indications (C3,P3,A3).13.1.2 Isolate denture from saliva and bacteria (C3,P4,A3).13.1.3 Remove carious tissue by maintaining pulpal vitality of temporary and permanent teeth (C3,P4,A3).13.1.4 Select the type of restoration after treatment of the root canal according to its indication (C3,P3,A4).13.1.5 Perform restoration with restorative material compatible with the indications on the temporary and permanent teeth (C4,P4,A4).13.1.6 Maintain pulpal vitality  with drugs and dental material on vital and non-vital temporary and permanent teeth (C3,P3,A3).

13.1.7 Perform treatment of the root canal on vital and non-vital temporary and permanent teeth (C3,P3,A3).

13.1.8 Follow up treatment effects on the root canal (C3,P3,A4).

13.2 Carry out treatment of periodontal disease/ anomaly 13.2.1 Carry out initial treatment of periodontal disease/anomaly (C4,P4,A4).13.2.2 Control the secondary etiological factor in periodental anomaly (C3,P3,A3).13.2.3 Perform curettage flap operation, and gingivectomy in cases of periodontal anomaly with bone fracture extending no more than one-third of the coronal part of the root (C3,P3,A3).13.2.4 Follow up the treatment and maintenance of the periodontic  tissue (C3,P3,A3).
13.3 Carry out orthodontic treatment on child and adult patients. 13.3.1 Carry up prevention of dental malocclusion (P3,P4,A3).13.3.2 Ensure the factors that affect treatment result (C3,P4,A3).13.2.3 Carry out treatment of dental malocclusion (C3,P4,A4).
13.4 Carry out simple surgical treatment on the oral hard and soft tissues. 13.4.1 Perform extraction of temporary and permanent teeth (C3P5,A4).13.4.2 Perform simple minor surgery on soft and hard tissues (C3,P5,A4).13.4.3 Perform simple preprosthetic surgery (C4,P5,A4).13.4.4 Handle post operative minor complications (C4,P5,A4).
13.5 Carry out nonsurgical treatment  of lesions on the oral soft tissue. 13.5.1 Manage lesions on the soft tissue (C4,P4,A4).13.5.2 Maintain the health of the oral soft tissue in mild medically compromised patients (C3,P4,A4).
13.6 Carry out treatment of temporomandibular  joint disorder and dental occlusion. 13.6.1 Carry out simple therapy of dental occlusion (C3,P3,A3).13.6.2 Carry out treatment of occlusal anomaly with coronoplasty (C4,P4,A4).13.6.3 Carry out the initial stage of non-surgical treatment of temporomandibular joint disorder (C3,P3,A3).
13.7 Carry out prosthodondic  treatment on child and adult patients. 13.7.1 Carry out treatment of complete artificial dentures, partial artificial dentures, full artificial dentures (C3,P3,A3).13.7.2 Select braces for permanent and removable artificial dentures C4,P3,A4).13.7.3 Handle problems after fixing artificial dentures (C3,P3,A4).
13.8 Manage emergency in dentistry. 13.8.1 Manage dental and oral emergency at various ages (C3,P3,A3).13.8.2 Manage emergency resulting from use of drugs (C3,P3,A3).13.8.3 Manage an emergency resulting from trauma in the oral cavity in patients of all ages (C3,P3,A3).13.8.4 Carry our medical dental emergency action (C3,P3,A3).



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