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Internal Quality Audit Visit for the Periodontics Program at FKG UGM

The Periodontics Study Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), underwent an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) visit on Thursday, 10 October 2024. The activity, which commenced at 9:00 AM, is part of FKG UGM's ongoing efforts to maintain the quality of education aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 16 (Peace and Justice Strong Institutions), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). 

The audit was led by two experienced auditors, Dr. Dr. Emy Huriyati, M.Kes., and drg. Elastria Widita, MSc., Ph.D., who possess extensive expertise in dentistry and education. Their role was to assess the Periodontics Program's compliance with educational standards and identify areas for improvement.

The agenda began with an opening session by the Head of the Periodontics Study Program, drg. Kwartarini Murdiastuti, Sp.Perio (K), who presented the program's achievements, challenges, and future plans. 

In her presentation, she emphasized the importance of maintaining the quality of education provided to students. “We hope this agenda can enhance the quality of the Periodontics Program at FKG UGM,” she remarked, highlighting the program's commitment to continuous improvement in line with SDG targets.

Following the opening session, interactive discussions were held between the auditors and the program's faculty, followed by a Q&A session. These discussions provided opportunities for exchanging ideas and delivering in-depth feedback on current educational practices. 

Additionally, the auditors held meetings with students, alumni, and stakeholders to gather diverse perspectives on the program's effectiveness. Students shared their learning experiences, while alumni offered insights into how the education they received impacted their careers in dentistry.

At the conclusion of the visit, the auditors presented their findings, highlighting the program's strengths and providing recommendations for improvement in certain areas. They stressed the importance of continuous quality improvement, particularly in developing countries like Indonesia, where access to quality education remains a challenge.

With the insights gained from this audit, the Periodontics Study Program at FKG UGM can better focus on enhancing the quality of education to meet international standards, supporting the achievement of SDG Goal 4 and producing graduates capable of contributing to global oral health. 

This visit not only reflects FKG UGM’s commitment to improving educational quality but also represents a tangible step in advancing education in developing countries, in line with SDG Goals 16 and 17.

The AMI visit serves as a significant milestone in the journey of the Periodontics Study Program towards greater improvements, ultimately benefiting students and the broader community.

Authors: drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio(K), Pram


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