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Internal Quality Assurance System at FKG UGM to Improve Educational Standards

In 2024, the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) made significant strides in implementing a robust quality assurance system for its academic programs. The establishment of a comprehensive quality assurance framework plays a vital role in ensuring that educational services meet the highest standards and contribute to sustainable development.

Dr. Dyah Listyarifah, M.Sc., D.Med.Sci., Head of the Quality Assurance Unit at FKG UGM, stated that the faculty has successfully implemented key components aimed at enhancing the quality of education. These components include SIMONI (Information and Evaluation System), EDOM (Student Evaluation of Lecturers), and the Semester Coordination Team's (TKS) monitoring and evaluation of learning processes. “These components are designed to improve the quality of education provided to students, ensuring that they receive an optimal learning experience,” she said in an interview on 1 September 2024.

SIMONI (Information and Evaluation System)
SIMONI functions to systematically monitor and evaluate academic performance and institutional effectiveness. This system collects data related to various academic activities, enabling the faculty to identify areas for improvement.

EDOM (Information and Evaluation System)
EDOM focuses on gathering feedback from students about the quality of teaching. By involving students in the evaluation process, EDOM allows them to voice their opinions about their learning experiences, helping to maintain high educational standards. This reflects FKG UGM’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Learning by the Semester Coordination Team
The monitoring and evaluation of learning by the Semester Coordination Team (TKS) is a key aspect of the quality assurance system. This team conducts regular assessments of the learning process to ensure that educational objectives are being met and learning outcomes are achieved as expected. TKS plays a role in identifying challenges and proposing solutions to enhance the educational experience. The results of this quality assurance process are not only documented but also followed up with continuous reviews of effectiveness.

The implementation of a quality assurance system at FKG UGM is an important step toward sustainable education. By focusing on core services and education for sustainability, the faculty not only enhances the quality of its academic programs but also contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 1 (No Poverty), Goal 4 (Quality Education), and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

Contributor: Anita Ramona | Author: Haqi
Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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