

Latest News, SDG 3, SDG 4

Community Service at SMPN 1 Yogyakarta

Adolescence is a critical time for developing habits, particularly those related to health, including dental care. Many teenagers still do not recognize the importance of maintaining dental health, leading to issues such as cavities. In order to enhance the health and well-being of the community, the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), organized free dental check-ups at SMPN 1 Yogyakarta on Friday, 6 September 2024. 

The event involved four lecturers, seven interns, and seven students from the Departments of Periodontology and Conservative Dentistry at FKG UGM. The initiative aimed to ensure the dental health of 82 students and teachers at SMPN 1 Yogyakarta. In addition to providing dental examinations, the team from FKG UGM also conducted educational outreach on maintaining oral health. “We hope this activity will benefit the students and teachers at SMPN 1 Yogyakarta and raise awareness about the importance of dental care from an early age,” said Dr. R. Tri Endra Untara.

The event received positive feedback from the students at SMPN 1 Yogyakarta. Claudy, a seventh-grade student, expressed a desire for similar activities in the future: “It feels great to receive a free dental check-up at school,” he said. Furthermore, Dyah Retno, the OSIS advisor, stated, “We hope this activity can be held regularly and on a larger scale, given its significant benefits for both students and teachers.”

Through this initiative, FKG UGM supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and Goal 4 (Quality Education), which emphasize the importance of health and education. This event not only improves students' dental health but also demonstrates FKG UGM's commitment to community service. It is hoped that similar activities can continue to be developed to create a generation that is aware of the importance of maintaining dental health.

Author: Diva Luthfiana


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