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Graduation Ceremony of Postgraduate Programs at FKG UGM – Specialist Dentistry, Master's, and Doctoral Programs for the IV Period of Academic Year 2022/2023

On Wednesday (26/7), FKG UGM organized the graduation ceremony for graduates of the Specialist Dentistry, Master's, and Doctoral Programs at the Margono Soeradji Auditorium. The event coincided with the graduation of the Postgraduate Program for the IV period of the academic year 2022/2023 at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.

In this graduation period, FKG UGM graduated 11 postgraduate students, including 6 graduates from the Periodontology Specialist Program, 2 graduates from the Master's Program in Dental Science, and 3 graduates from the Doctoral Program in Dental Science. Out of the eleven graduates, 6 achieved Cum Laude honors, with the highest GPA of 3.99 attained by drg. Deniar Faizya Widhawati, Sp.Perio, who completed the Specialist Prosthodontics education with a thesis titled "The Effect of Injectable Platelet Rich-Fibrin Immersion on Chitosan-Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofiber Material in Functional Group Absorption Bandwidth."

The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of FKG UGM appreciated the eleven graduates' hard work and dedication to completing their education at FKG UGM with pride.

The ceremony continued with remarks from Dr. drg. Teguh Tri Widodo, Sp.Pros, who hails from the Indonesian Army (TNI Angkatan Darat), delivered a message to fellow graduates, "Only patient and diligent individuals can stand until the end of the journey or struggle," said Teguh.

The graduation ceremony was attended by graduates accompanied by their parents. Also present was the Dean of FKG UGM, drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M., Ph.D., opened the ceremony with gratitude to the Postgraduate Programs for their exceptional guidance of students towards such commendable achievements. "Thank you to the students who have officially become part of the UGM Faculty of Dentistry Alumni Family (KAKGIGAMA). Welcome to a new journey with new roles at UGM. Keep contributing and making a difference."

The graduation ceremony concluded with prayers and congratulatory remarks from the Dean, Program Chairs, and faculty members for the graduates and their families.


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