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High Incidence of Cavities: FKG UGM Hosts Community Service Event

The high incidence of dental issues in Central Java, particularly cavities and loose teeth, has prompted the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) to actively engage in community education and preventive measures. In collaboration with the UGM KKN Team from the Sampang District, the Cilacap Regency Government, and Pepsodent, FKG UGM held a community service event at SDN 1 Karangjati, Cilacap on Monday, 5 August.

Drg. Asikin Nur, M.Kes., Ph.D., Head of the Department of Biomedical Dentistry at FKG UGM, stated that this event represents FKG UGM's commitment to contributing to the reduction of dental and oral health issues in the community. Additionally, it provides a platform for students to apply their knowledge. "For this event, FKG UGM sent 9 lecturers, 6 clinical students, and 6 preclinical students," he said.

A total of 95 students participated in activities that included oral health education and dental examinations. To raise awareness among the students, FKG UGM also distributed toothbrushes, toothpaste, and hand sanitizers. hand sanitizer.

Beyond focusing on dental health, the event also addressed general health aspects. Novi Umami from the UGM KKN Team said, "Today, we provided education on Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), including how to prevent dengue fever and proper handwashing techniques."

One student, Rere, initially felt apprehensive about having her teeth examined. However, after receiving education, she became more confident. “I now understand the importance of maintaining oral hygiene,” said Rere.

It is hoped that events like this can continue regularly. By doing so, community awareness about the importance of oral health will increase, ultimately reducing the incidence of dental issues in Indonesia.

This activity aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Pillar 3 (Good Health and Well-Being, pillar 4 (Quality Education), pilar 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and pillar 17 (Partnership for the Goals).

Penulis: Haqi | Editor: Fajar Bufi H.
Foto: Tim PkM FKG UGM


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