Oral Medicine
Menjadi departemen yang mampu mengintegrasikan anatara ilmu kedokteran dengan kedokteran gigi untuk mencapai kesehatan optimal.
- Develop excellent education, research, and patient care in the field of oral diseases.
- Enhance the quality of student learning through continuous innovation in undergraduate, professional, and specialist levels.
- Collaborate with other specialties in epidemiology, pathogenesis, and intervention research.
- Develop guidelines for diagnosing and treating oral diseases that are unresponsive to conventional therapy.
- Provide referral services for dentists with patients suffering from severe systemic diseases or with complex diagnostic problems involving the oral and maxillofacial regions requiring non-surgical management.
- Improve the quality of life for patients with medical disorders related to oral and maxillofacial abnormalities.
- Enhance understanding and collaboration between medical professions and dental professions.
Department of Oral Diseases is one of the departments in the Faculty of Dentistry responsible for the field of science that studies the management of oral health in patients with medical compromises, diagnosis, and non-surgical treatment of disorders in oral and maxillofacial mucosal tissues related to systemic diseases.
Penelitian Unggulan Departemen
Kesehatan mulut pada lanjut usia
Staf Departemen
- Dr. drg. Dewi Agustina, MD.Sc.
- drg. Hendri Susanto, M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.PM
- drg. Sri Budiarti Wongsohardjono, M.S.
- Prof. drg. Supriatno, M.Kes., MD.Sc., Ph.D.
- drg. Bernadetta Esti Chrismawaty, M.Kes., MD.Sc.
- drg. Fimma Naritasari, MD.Sc.
- drg. Ayu Fresno Argadianti, Sp.PM