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Health Sciences Dental Preventive and Community Dentistry

Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Pencegahan & Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Masyarakat

Ruang Lingkup
Preventive Dentistry and Public Dental Health encompass basic and applied sciences to improve the dental health status of the community and prevent oral and dental diseases in society. With a field of study that covers not only individuals but entire populations, there is a need for organized community efforts in specific protection initiatives and promotion of dental and oral health, empowering communities to enhance the dental and oral health status of entire families, communities, and populations in a region.

Academic Activities
  1. Undergraduate Level The Preventive Dentistry and Public Dental Health Department teach several courses for undergraduate students at the Faculty of Dentistry, as listed in Table 1. Additionally, the department also teaches several general courses (Table 2).
    No Semester Course Code Credits
    I Demography/Environmental Health KGM 1201 1
    II Sociology of Dentistry KGM 1410 1
    II Nutrition Science KGM 1202 1
    III Epidemiology KGM 2204 1
    IV Preventive Dentistry/Education KGM 2305 1
    V Biostatistics KGM 3303 2
    VI Health Management KGM 3306 1

    Tabel 2. Matakuliah umum yang diampu Bagian IKGP & IKGM

    No. Semester Course Code Credits
    I Dental Communication KGL 1409 1
    VI Research Methodology KGL 3211 2
    VII Ethics/Law in Dentistry KGL 4412 2
  2. Internship Program Students in their clinical clerkship at the Preventive Dentistry and Public Dental Health Department undergo field practicum with a workload of 4 credit hours. The clinical clerkship activities at the department are as listed in Table 3. Table 3. Clinical Clerkship Activities at the Preventive Dentistry and Public Dental Health Department
    No. The
    Implementing School Dental Health Efforts (UKGS)
    Participating in Public Health Center activities to understand existing programs
    Participating in Dental Public Health Center activities
    Participating in Type C Hospitals activities
    Conducting family and community health surveys for general and oral health

    To support all these clinical clerkship activities, we collaborate with various relevant institutions. For UKGS implementation, we collaborate with the Department of Education and Culture of Sleman Regency, allowing us to manage 25 primary schools in the Depok area, Sleman. We also collaborate with the DIY Provincial Health Office, enabling us to send students to 7 Health Centers (Depok I, Depok II, Godean I, Godean II, Pleret, Sentolo, Banguntapan I) to participate in Public Health Center and Dental Public Health Center activities. For general and oral health surveys, we collaborate with the DIY Health Promotion Center, allowing us to send clinical clerkship students to PLKM Godean.

  3. Teaching Staff Tenaga pengajar di Bagian IKGP dan IKGM dapat dilihat pada Tabel 4 sbb.Tabel 4. Tenaga pengajar di bagian IKGP & IKGM
    No. Name
    1. drg. Harman Soebandhi, DPHDent.
    2. drg. Niken Widyanti Sriyono, MDSc.
    3. drg. Windarto Adisusanto, DPHDent.
    4. drg. Sri Rezeky Damayanti, M.Kes
    5. drg. Dibyo Pramono, SU, MDSc.
    6. drg. Bambang Priyono, SU
    7. drg Sri Widiati, MPH
    8. drg. Hendi Singgih Busana
    9. drg. Julita Hendrartini, M.Kes
    10. drg. Yuni Pamardiningsih, M.Kes
    11. drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes
Activity Agenda

Melakukan pengembangan keahlian (spesialis) kesehatan gigi masyarakat bersama dengan IPESGIMI.

Outstanding Research
  1. Prevention of caries and periodontal diseases in the community
  2. Health promotion interventions and community empowerment to enhance dental and oral health status
  3. Efforts to improve health and prevent oral and dental diseases in schools (UKGS)
  4. Efforts to improve health and prevent oral and dental diseases in the elderly population
  5. Financing systems for dental and oral health services
  6. Quality improvement of dental and oral health services
  7. Professional ethics and dental and oral health services in society
  8. Legal aspects and regulations in dental and oral health services


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