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Gingivectomy: A Periodontal Surgical Procedure and Practical Learning Video on the FKG UGM Knowledge Channel

Since 2019, the Department of Periodontology at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM), has actively contributed to the dissemination of knowledge through educational videos posted on the FKG UGM Knowledge Channel. These educational videos aim to support classroom instruction and enhance clinical skills for dental students, not only at FKG UGM. One highly popular video, which has been viewed 18,000 times for free, is titled “Gingivectomy Practical Learning Video.”

Gingivectomy is a periodontal surgical procedure typically performed to eliminate gingival pockets, which often occur due to gingival enlargement gingiva.

Besides eliminating gingival pockets, gingivectomy is also beneficial for aesthetic improvement, particularly in cases where a patient’s smile reveals more gum tissue than usual. This condition is medically known as a Gummy Smile. The gingivectomy procedure can reshape the gum line to balance the proportion of visible gum and teeth when smiling.

“This educational video covers various stages of the gingivectomy procedure, from asepsis to the use of periodontal dressing to close the wound if needed,” said drg. Vincensia Maria Karina, MDSc., Sp.Perio., SubSp. M.P (K). “With educational resources like this video on the FKG UGM Knowledge Channel, we hope students and practitioners can master this technique effectively and apply it in their clinical practice,” added drg. Vincensia.

Gingivectomy not only offers an effective solution for periodontal issues but also plays a crucial role in dental education in Indonesia. A comprehensive guide on performing the gingivectomy procedure is available at

Kontributor: drg. Mentari Salma Nurbaiti, Sp. Perio | Editing: drg. Rezmelia Sari, MSc., Sp.Perio., SubSp., R.P.I.D (K)


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