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FKG UGM Pursues Excellent Accreditation for Bachelor’s Program in Dental Hygiene

Producing outstanding graduates is one of the primary objectives of educational institutions. One essential process in achieving this goal is ensuring that study programs are well-prepared to deliver quality education, demonstrated by attaining excellent accreditation status.

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held an Internal Accreditation Simulation Meeting for the Dental Hygiene Study Program on Thursday (6 June). The meeting took place in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the OECF Building and featured two assessors: Prof. Dr. drg. Juni Handjani, M.Kes., Ph.D., and Dr. dr. Emy Huriyati, M.Kes.

The Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, drg. Rosa Amalia, M.Kes., Ph.D., opened the event. “The university targets all study programs to achieve excellent accreditation. Therefore, this activity is crucial to provide insights and guidance to the Dental Hygiene Study Program regarding the upcoming accreditation process,” said drg. Rosa, in her opening remarks. 

FKG UGM offers two undergraduate programs, one professional program, two master's programs, one doctoral program, and seven specialist programs. The Dental Hygiene Study Program is one of the two undergraduate programs at FKG UGM, alongside the Dentistry Study Program. Seven programs at FKG UGM have achieved Excellent accreditation from the Indonesian Higher Education Health Accreditation Agency (LAM-PTKes), and three other programs have received an A (Very Good) accreditation. 

This internal simulation meeting is a tangible manifestation of FKG UGM's determination to strive for perfection, or in Javanese terms, "nggayuh marang kasampurnan." “With the presence of external assessors in this LAM-PTKes accreditation form simulation, we hope the Dental Hygiene Study Program will achieve Excellent accreditation in the actual accreditation process,” said the Head of the Dental Hygiene Study Program, Prof. Dr. drg. Regina TC. Tandelilin, M.Sc.

FKG UGM continues undertaking strategic, collaborative, and sustainable efforts to realize its vision of becoming a leading Faculty of Dentistry in Indonesia with world-class excellence. Its mission is to improve the dental and oral health of the Indonesian population by providing superior education, impactful research, and community service, optimizing the use of data and information technology. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the third pillar (Good Health and Well-Being), the fourth pillar (Quality Education), the tenth pillar (Reduced Inequalities), and the seventeenth pillar (Partnership for the Goals).


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