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FKG UGM Partners with Budi Utama Education Foundation

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) has established a partnership with the Budi Utama Education Foundation to enhance dental and oral health awareness among students, effective Tuesday, 6 August. The two institutions will implement a series of periodic community service activities.

According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, dental cavities and gum infections remain major health issues in Indonesia. Drg. Trianna Wahyu Utami, MD.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Collaboration at FKG UGM, stated that the primary goal of this collaboration is to educate students about dental and oral health. “Dental and oral health is the gateway to overall body health,” emphasized Drg. Trianna.

Also present was Dr. drg. Rurie Ratna Shantiningsih, MDSc., Head of the Dentist Profession Education Program. She explained that this partnership will provide FKG UGM students currently undergoing their Dentist Profession Education education (clinical training) with opportunities to enhance their communication skills and clinical competencies. “Our clinical students will perform procedures on patients under the guidance and supervision of responsible service doctors,” said Drg. Rurie.

Drg. Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto, MDSc., Sp.BMM (K), Head of the Community Service Unit at FKG UGM, detailed that the community service activities will include dental and oral health education, dental health examinations, and data collection on each student's dental health condition. “The data collected will serve as a basis for providing necessary recommendations for each student,” said Yosaphat.

Christina H.S., Secretary of the Budi Utama Education Foundation, welcomed the collaboration. “The Budi Utama Education Foundation is very open to this partnership. We hope this initiative will raise awareness among students and parents about the importance of maintaining dental and oral health,” she said.

The Budi Utama Education Foundation serves 1,660 students across Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High Schools. Christina also suggested selecting some students to become dental health ambassadors or young dentists to set examples for their peers and communities.

This collaboration aims to improve the dental and oral health of students at the Budi Utama Education Foundation and foster early awareness of the importance of maintaining dental health.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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