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FKG UGM Highlights the Zero Concept Issue at the 76th Anniversary Seminar

The Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKG UGM) held an Annual Symposium titled "Utilizing Digital Dentistry to Navigate the Society 5.0" as part of the 76th Anniversary celebrations. For this event, FKG UGM invited Mr. Shigemitsu Murai from Morita, Japan, for a Special Lecture. Mr. Murai, along with moderator Drg. Heni Susilowati, M.Kes., Ph.D., presented "Zero Concept: Infection Control with Latest Technology" on 27 April 2024.

In his presentation, Mr. Murai explained that the zero concept is an effort to prevent dental and oral diseases before they occur, with infection prevention a crucial aspect of this concept. The zero concept outlines several measures to prevent infection transmission, such as sterilizing and disinfecting dental equipment, using personal protective equipment (PPE) for dentists during patient interactions, and maintaining a clean practice environment.

The event was highly interactive, especially during the Q&A session. At the end of the session, Mr. Murai expressed his hope that Morita Corporation would soon implement the zero concept in dental practices in Indonesia.

Dental practice carries a high risk of infection transmission. Some research studies indicate that infections occur in more than 30% of dental practices. Besides patients, dental health service providers are also at high risk of infection despite using PPE.

Infection in dental practice is a severe issue that cannot be overlooked. Understanding the causes and prevention methods of infection is crucial to protect patients and dental health workers from infection transmission.

This event demonstrates FKG UGM's concern for patients and dental health workers in preventing infections. Through disseminating this material, FKG UGM aims to contribute to maintaining and improving the quality of life for patients and dental health workers while implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pillars 3 and 4, which focus on Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education, respectively.

#SDGs #GoodHealthandWell-Being #QualityEducation


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