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In Collaboration with Tokyo Medical and Dental University and University Medical Centre Groningen, UGM Orthodontics Holds ORTHONIGMA 2021

Yogyakarta, Orthonigma 2021 is one of the annual international events organized by the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM. Spearheaded by the Orthodontics Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, this event features expert speakers from various prestigious international universities. This year, ORTHONIGMA was held on 11-12 December and 18-19 December 2021. The Orthodontics Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, collaborated with Tokyo Medical and Dental University from Japan and University Medical Centre Groningen from the Netherlands.

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ORTHONIGMA 2021 was officially opened online on 11 December 2021 by the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, drg. Margareta Rinastiti, M.Kes., Sp.KG., Ph.D. In her opening remarks, delivered by drg. Margareta Rinastiti, M.Kes., Sp.KG., Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, drg. Suryono, S.H., M.M, Ph.D., thanked the speakers who graciously shared their orthodontic knowledge through ORTHONIGMA 2021. He also appreciated the Orthodontics Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, for consistently organizing this event annually, especially under the current pandemic conditions. This marks the 5th year that ORTHONIGMA has been held by the Orthodontics Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM.

In her report, the chairperson of ORTHONIGMA 2021, drg. Paramita Noviasari, Sp.Ort(K) welcomed colleagues to ORTHONIGMA 2021. drg. Paramita Noviasari, Sp.Ort(K) stated, "An interdisciplinary approach is required to evaluate, diagnose, and resolve aesthetic and functional problems using a combination of Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics treatments. Therefore, ORTHONIGMA 2021 carries the theme 'Improving Facial Aesthetic Through Interdisciplinary Approach in Orthodontics.'"

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Unlike previous years, ORTHONIGMA 2021 hosted webinars, joint lectures, hands-on sessions, and an oral presentation competition. During the four-day event, ORTHONIGMA 2021 featured international speakers such as Dr. Keiji Moriyama, DDS, PhD, and Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman, DDS, PhD, FDS RCS (Eng). National speakers included drg. Stephanie Susanto, Sp.Ort., Dr. drg. Endah Mardianti, M.S, Sp.Ort(K)., drg. RM Norman Tri Kusumo Indro, Sp.Perio., drg. Nur Rachmawati, Sp.Ort., drg. Cahya Yustisia Hasan., Sp.BM(K)., drg. Leonard C. Nelwan, Sp.Pros., FISID, FITI, FICD., drg. Christnawati, M.Kes, Sp.Ort(K)., and drg. Susan Alvina, Sp.Ort.

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"This webinar is designed to be open to all levels, including undergraduates in related fields, dental, medical, and nursing professionals, and specialists on general topics. More detailed topics in orthodontics and HANDS-ON sessions are only accessible to orthodontic specialist dentists and orthodontic residents," concluded drg. Paramita Noviasari, Sp.Ort(K).


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