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3 Recommended Books in Periodontology

Reading books is one of the best investments a student can make. In addition to expanding knowledge, reading also enhances literacy skills (both writing and reading), critical thinking, analysis, and creativity. The Library of the Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, offers a wide range of books that can help students understand concepts in the field of dentistry. In this article, we present three recommended books in the field of periodontology:

1. Practical Periodontics
Practical Periodontics provides a comprehensive and easily understandable guide to periodontics, covering everything from the basics of periodontal disease to the latest treatment strategies. Readers can access reliable and up-to-date information as the book emphasizes evidence-based care. With colorful illustrations and highlighted boxes containing important information, this book facilitates understanding while also providing practical guidance for clinical procedures. It is highly beneficial for dental students, oral hygiene practitioners, and professionals looking to expand their knowledge in the field of periodontics.

2. Short Notes in Periodontics: A Handbook
Short Notes in Periodontics: A Handbook offers an informative guide on periodontics and related diseases. Systematically explained, readers will learn about the normal periodontium, classification of periodontal diseases, and their etiologies. Additionally, the book provides insights into periodontal pathology, diagnostic techniques, and prognosis, including the use of radiographs and supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). Presented in an easy-to-understand language, this book includes effective diagrams to clarify complex concepts, making it suitable for dental students and clinical practitioners who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of periodontics in a short time.

3. Dental Plaque: A Biofilm
Dental Plaque: A Biofilm presents a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of dental plaque and its complex transformation into microbial biofilm. Readers will understand how dental plaque biofilm can affect oral health and trigger various diseases. Discussed systematically, the topics in this book include the classification of dental plaque, its composition, formation, microbiology, factors affecting plaque formation, the relationship between plaque and periodontitis, and other related subjects. This book is ideal for dental practitioners looking to deepen their understanding of the fundamentals of dental plaque formation and its transformation into complex microbial biofilm.

Desy Natalia Anggorowati, the coordinator of the FKG UGM library, encourages all students to make the most of library facilities. “The FKG UGM library not only provides physical books but also offers access to various scientific journals through UGM E-Resources," she stated. This way, students can easily access resources to enhance their literacy skills.

Author: Fajar Budi H. | Photo: Fajar Budi H.


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